25 November 2014

Voter suppression as a strategy can't last forever, says a GOP commentator

I missed this post-Election Day thought piece a couple of weeks ago. Among other details in its explanation of why the massive GOP victory earlier this month wasn't as massive, or a victory, as it seems, the author notes:
Vote suppression is working remarkably well, but that won’t last. Eventually Democrats will help people get the documentation they need to meet the ridiculous and confusing new requirements. The whole “voter integrity” sham may have given Republicans a one or maybe two-election boost in low-turnout races. Meanwhile [the GOP] kissed off minority votes for the foreseeable future.
(Emphasis added.) I noticed that in July, 2013, myself; but, you know, voice-wilderness-etc.:
You can roll back the business end of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and implement anti-voting measures right away, but it can't end well. The little old ladies with no driver licenses will die off. Those of us born before all the birth records were digitized or originated on the computer will get our acts together and get the right ID. And people my daughter's age, who were in the computer from the get-go, won't have a problem getting their voter ID. Requiring state-issued ID and then making it hard to obtain is not a sustainable strategy.
Amused to see there's a voice in the GOP wilderness on this nonsense as well.

Via Noz.

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