17 January 2010

Rainy Sunday in the neighborhood

Since I am not in Haïti, I got to spend the morning at my local coffeeshop, where I finished up a spy novel and solved the New York Times Sunday crossword that someone left behind after they'd finished reading the paper. Thanks, paper-buying-and-leaving guy!

Is it cheating when I take a break from a frustrating clue, flip to a book review a few pages back in that section of the newspaper, and find the answer to that very clue in the book review?

Too rainy to go grocery shopping, because it's a farther walk than the coffeeshop, so I think I'll stay in, do housework, and scrounge in the pantry for dinner.

I'm having trouble understanding the outrage and uproar about Jay Leno vs. Conan O'Brien vs. NBC considering other news in the world.

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