15 January 2010

I'm not alone in my low opinion of NPR's Car Talk show

Finally, I've found someone who agrees with me that Car Talk needs to be killed with fire:
[H]umor is subjective and rarely, if ever, do two people see eye-to-eye on what is funny. I couldn't agree more. I'm am not an expert on what is funny. What I am is an expert on what is not funny: Schindler's List, for example is not funny (despite the presence of some very silly German accents). Puppy mills are not funny. Cardinal Bernard Law getting away scot-free was not funny. And Car Talk is not funny.
Ever notice that when a woman calls the show they repeat her name dreamily, ask her how she spells her name, and then repeat it a few more times again before getting around to finding out what her car trouble is?

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