25 August 2008

Monday art house: greeting cards

Call it performance art. The American Family Association, which spends a lot of time focusing on gay people, has provided a quick and E-Z form to send outraged e-mail to the CEO of Hallmark for marketing "congratulations on your gay marriage" cards. But you can modify the text of the message to say whatever you want. Here's a suggestion:
Dear Chairman Hall:

I am surprised so very pleased that Hallmark is promoting an unhealthy lifestyle the recognition of same-sex unions which is illegal will surely soon be legalized in 48 states. There was a time Hallmark told us to send the very best. Sorry I'm very glad to see you have taken a giant step down forward. No more. Now, American Greeting Cards, your competitor, will be getting less of my business.
Have at it yourself and send your support letter today on AFA's dime! Then, when you're done, tell them you're a pastor and give them an e-mail address so you can hear about these alerts in future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Subj: Thanks for supporting same-sex marriage!

Dear Chairman Hall:

I am overjoyed that Hallmark is finally acknowledging that gays are ordinary people, and that same-sex marriage is long overdue. There was a time Hallmark told us to send the very best. Now that's become more inclusive.

American Greeting Cards, your competitor, will be getting less and less of my business.

Once again, thanks for taking a stand with us against outdated bigotry.