05 March 2010

Life is intervening lately

Life is intervening lately, curtailing my online time.

Professional life is busy, if still mostly unpaid. I finally renewed my membership at the Jenkins Law Library, a task I'd been putting off for weeks for reasons of inconvenience. Not too coincidentally, I have some research I have to do for a client meeting (unpaid) on Saturday. It's nice to have my LexisNexis back.

Had lunch with a local lawyer yesterday who said he wanted to pick my brain about starting up his own firm. Actually he was basically asking me for a job. I was nice. I didn't laugh until after we'd gone our separate ways.

Personal life is busy, if only in my mind. Crushing hard on someone who's not interested. Story of my life.

Partial custody life is busy. The ex's near-hoarding, chronic disorganization problem interfered in my life massively this week: missed appointment, behavior problems with our daughter, and a last-minute change of plans for the weekend that affect not just me but at least two other households. So lately I've been even crankier than my usual baseline level of general irritation at the world. I recognize that a lot of my problem is that his conduct is pushing some buttons of mine that don't get pushed as frequently as they did before we split. Since I'm not used to it any more, it's a little harder to recognize and head off at the pass before it pisses me off. And I shouldn't "concern troll" and be irritated on behalf of the other two households. But I've got a lot on my plate right now and this is one huge thing that I pushed off of my plate some years ago. I hate it when it pushes its way back on.

Promised myself a couple of weeks ago to force myself to get out of the house for a few hours every day, and not just to fetch my daughter home from school or attend my minimal weekly obligations. It's been a very good decision, even if it's meant that this blog and a couple of other online "commitments" have suffered.

I saw a robin on the north side of Independence Hall this morning.

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