08 November 2009

It's the invisible hand of Henry Hyde!

In the U.S., about one in three women will have an abortion during their childbearing years.

Next time you're in line at the supermarket, coffeeshop, DMV, TSA security at an airport, look around you. Or you're in a crowd: a ball game, a theater, a bar. Or with your friends and family, look around you. About one third of the women you see have had or will have an abortion before they reach menopause.

And right now, government health insurance won't pay for it. It's the Hyde Amendment writ large: no longer just a part of Medicaid, but now a part of the Affordable Health Care for America Act.

Most American women fall pregnant, intentionally or not, during their fertile years; and about one million American women get abortions every year. One million women every year will be excluded from the Affordable Health Care for America Act.

You know someone who's had an abortion. Every day you see women who have had an abortion. Which one of these women would you say shouldn't have insurance for her reproductive healthcare?

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