04 September 2009

Reagan's speech to schoolkids in 1988

I've found a few uncited, unsourced blog posts purporting to be a full or partial transcript of President Reagan's 14 November 1988 remarks and Q&A to a gaggle of schoolkids at the White House. The freeper link there looks plausible, so I'm happy to use it.

Reagan's speech included a reference to an unidentified "wise Frenchman," variously identified through Google searches as Oscar Wilde and François de la Rochefoucauld. The quote is, actually, one of La Rochefoucauld's Maximes (1664) and it tickles me that Reagan used it:
L'hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu.
Hypocrisy is an homage that vice pays to virtue. It's La Rochefoucauld's maxim no. 218.

Applying the maxim to the current brouhaha would be flogging a dead horse, so I'll stop now.


Conservative Professor said...

My school did not require me to watch this broadcast? In 1988, did all students across America watch this interaction between President Reagan and a dozen or so students? Also- in all of my searching on the topic it seems that the left is spinning this question and answer session into a national broadcast to public school children across America. Why is it that I am only finding this speech or anything about it on liberal websites? I am unable to find any reputable, historical sites carrying this as a national speech from the President to school children across the nation.

Glomarization said...

Conservative Professor:

In 1988, not all schools had TVs. I was in high school in 1988, and our school had maybe one TV per every 5 or 10 classrooms. Teachers had to book them well in advance. I remember seeing slideshows -- filmstrips, not even movies -- well into the 1980s in my public school.

Why is it that I am only finding this speech or anything about it on liberal websites?

The link I provided is to the Free Republic.

Have you read President Obama's speech? What about the message in the speech bothers you?