31 July 2009

Friday jukebox: Joni Mitchell

One of the Pennsylvania bar exam questions involved a piece of land called Paradise that a couple had bought and then later wanted to sell to the Big Yellow Taxi Co., who wanted to pave it and put up a parking lot. So this is for the young'uns who thought it was just a bunch of goofy, made-up fact pattern names:


Anonymous said...

is there another one about a guy who couldn't be extradited from europe and so he ended up being a free man in paris?

Glomarization said...


Now I'm trying to remember all the crazy problems they tested us with. I'd type some in, but I think we're officially not supposed to post about them, at least not in the amount of detail that would make it interesting to read.

Most of the time they use very generic names, e.g., an attorney named "Able," a location in "C City," Pennsylvania, and a company name that's descriptive of what the business does. So it was striking that they threw in "Paradise" for the name of the tract of land, "Big Yellow Taxi" for the name of the company, and the specific phrase that they wanted to "pave Paradise and put up a parking lot."