15 March 2009

Glomarization's Philadelphia Film Festival plans

The film festival approaches. This year, I'll actually attend, making it the full-contact sport for myself that it should be. Last year I was a really busy 2L, and the films were all "whiny group of whiny 20-somethings whines about how real life after university is whiningly hard." This year, the films are all "young boy comes of age in era that may or may not be the 21st century." Since we took care of the coming-of-age story with My Life As a Dog, I've had to scrounge to put together the following schedule for people who want to stalk myself:

Fri 27 Mar

Rumba, 4:30, Ritz 5
Moon, 7:15, Ritz East
Eldorado, 9:30, Ritz East

Sat 28 Mar

Back Soon, 2:30, Bridge
Rocky Balboa Picture Show 2 (shorts program), 9:30, Int'l House

Sun 29 Mar

Sun Dogs, 2:45, Prince Music Theater

Mon 30 Mar

Stone of Destiny, 2:15, Ritz East

Thu 02 Apr

White Night Wedding, 7:00, Ritz East

Fri 03 Apr

Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life, 9:15, Prince

Sat 04 Apr

A Quay Brothers Sampler, 2:00, Prince
Philly Style: Exploring the Philadelphia Filmmaking Aesthetic, 4:00, DIVE at Shooters Post & Transfer (Curtis Building, 601 Walnut St)
Best of the Backseat Film Festival Showcase, 9:30, Prince

Sun 05 Apr

Julia, 2:15, Ritz East
Sita Sings the Blues, 5:00, Ritz East

1 comment:

upyernoz said...

i just noticed that you have the "best of the backseat" on 4/4 mislabeled. it's at i-house, not the prince.

and it looks highly likely that i will see you at (at least) one film