09 December 2008

Driberally tonight

Driberally tonight at Triumph Brewery, 117 Chestnut Street in the Old City section of Philadelphia. Come join the weekly open gathering of Philadelphia liberals and enjoy drink and food specials! Tonight's topic:

So everybody has their panties in a twist that President Bush plans to move to the Dallas suburbs after he leaves office, and the suburb he's chosen was historically governed by a restrictive covenant (a term that immediately brings the Shelley v. Kraemer case to the mind of all good law students), which banned people of color from buying houses there.

I'll put aside the reasonable conclusion that this move to the 'burbs only goes to further demonstrate that living on a ranch in Crawford, Texas, was mere political show and not indicative of any genuine preference for down-home country ranch livin'. What I'd really like to know is this: how many suburban Dallas neighborhoods were never governed by racially restrictive covenants?

I mean, honestly, people.

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