I was google-image searching for a photo of "Major Drumstick," the mascot of the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day parade, for another forum. Found one just fine; it was a television broadcast screenshot from at least one year ago, when Boscov's was the major sponsor. Boscov's, a local department store chain, has become a victim of the economic collapse. Now IKEA has taken its place in sponsoring the parade. (That is, completely ignoring the continuous Disney presence in the parade, from floats to promos for Disney on Ice shows, to ads for Disney movies during commercial breaks -- the parade being on Philadelphia's ABC affiliate.)
Long story short, when I cropped out the TV station sponsorship logo, this very striking image emerged:
Oh noes! Does this mean Cinderella, Tinkerbell, Snow White and the dwarves are going to mow down some anti-globalization protesters in Logan Square??
I've been trying to think of a clever reply to this comment all day, and I have failed. -hangs self-
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