14 October 2008

GOP, Act III, Scene II

Senator McCain has failed to admonish GOP extremists like Jeffrey Frederick (chair of the Virginia GOP), who says that Senator Obama and Osama bin Laden are alike "because they both have terrorist 'friends.'" And, until only very recently, McCain has failed to hush people yelling "terrorist" and "kill [Obama]" at rallies for him or Governor Palin. That's shameful, really, and questionably American, and arguably criminal incitement to violence. But the point of this post isn't to say that McCain is an un-American coward who seeks the annihilation of his opponents. The actual point is that I absolutely love Senator Biden's continual "for Brutus is an honorable man" references to McCain:
"I don't believe it . . . I can't believe it," Biden said of [Frederick's] comments. "I'm surprised John McCain hasn't gone down and whacked the guy with his fist. I mean, I don't think there's a prejudiced bone in John McCain's body. But that kind of stuff is really off the wall. I refuse to let myself believe John McCain has anything to do with any of that.”

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