14 September 2008

McCain is not the actual candidate: Palin is, and she'll be Bush III

New video from Brave New Films suggests that McCain has more cancer and other medical issues than he's willing to bring to light, and thus he's very, very likely to die during his presidency if he wins the election:

Makes me wonder if Sarah Palin isn't the actual candidate. She's a new George W. Bush. Where he was a proven incompetent (but likeable) businessman, she's a shrewd (but gorgeous) social operative and politician. But her experience and worldview are limited to the local level and the small-potatoes world of Alaska politics. She's less qualified and more naïve than even George W. Bush was when he was running. We laughed when then-Governor Bush couldn't remember the difference between Slovakia and Slovenia in 1999. We should be quaking in our boots now that Palin has demonstrated that she doesn't understand what the Bush Doctrine implicates, that she's blithely remarked that we could easily go to war with Russia, and that she argues with a straight face that being the nominal head of the Alaska National Guard qualifies her to learnedly discuss foreign policy and defense questions.

If Palin ends up in the White House, she wouldn't truly be president. And nobody in the RNC leadership could possibly want her to truly be the president. Instead, just like the current president, her unelected, self-selected cabinet and advisors would be the ones running the POTUS office -- giving her all kinds of advice to help funnel money to their special projects, put favorable justices on the Supreme Court, sign into law even more restrictions on civil liberties, and let her go on vacation while she sends our troops to war against Russia.

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