17 August 2008

Remember the anti-choice slippery slope

So John McCain and Barack Obama answered questions for right-wing religious zealot Rick Warren recently by appearing at a megachurch in California. Asked when a human being acquires human rights, McCain replied, "At the moment of conception."

But you have to remember what logically follows from that answer. (And note that these are hilarious questions to ask friends and family who assert the same or similar beliefs.)

If people have human rights from the moment of conception, then abortion must be murder, right? (Or simply: do you believe that abortion is murder?)

Murderers should be punished, correct?

Accessories to murder should be punished, correct?

Do you believe in the death penalty for murderers?

Do you believe in the death penalty for accessories to murder?

If a woman consents to an abortion, isn't she an accessory to murder? Should she be punished? Should she be imprisoned?

Aren't, then, her nurses or other medical professionals who assist the abortion provider accessories to murder? Should they be punished? Should they be imprisoned?

Aren't any friends or family members who help a woman travel to her abortion procedure and help her recover afterward accessories to murder? Should they be punished? Should they be imprisoned?

Do you know anyone who's had an abortion? Should she be punished as an accessory to murder? Should she be imprisoned? Dig the following 30-second video from Brazil, where abortion is legal only in cases of rape or where the woman's life is in danger, and a woman who gets an illegal abortion may be imprisoned for 3 years. Portuguese with English subtitles, and with narration in English:

I'm not just playing syllogistic games here. This actually is a black-and-white issue with no grays to it. A person who truly believes that a fertilized ovum possesses the full complement of human rights is being intellectually dishonest not to follow through and support the criminal prosecution of women who get abortions, their abortion providers, and anyone else who assists her.

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