23 July 2008

CBS covers up McCain gaffe, replaces it with anti-Obama comment

Katie Couric was interviewing John McCain about Iraq. As you've probably heard all over the place, he got confused after one particular question and said that the troop surge was directly responsible for the Anbar Awakening (in real life, the Awakening happened a good three months before the surge). Then, a few questions later, McCain tried to salvage the interview by criticizing something about Barack Obama.

CBS altered the interview in the editing room and, on Tuesday night, broadcast the Barack criticism as if it were the answer to the other question. Keith Olbermann shows both tapes via jedreport.com:

The Crooks and Liars blog points out that this kind of behavior would violate CBS's standards and practice rules, and suggests that you contact the network's ombudsman. They also note that CBS had a choice here. The network could choose, as it did, to edit out McCain's confusion. Or it could have had a huge scoop, choosing to be the first news outlet to show its viewers that McCain, who says he "know[s] how to win wars," isn't clear on the immediate past history of one that we're fighting right now, and resorts to ad hominem attacks on his opponent when he can't answer a question plainly.

Anyone care to speculate why CBS would broadcast such misleading edits?

1 comment:

K.O. Myers said...

Maybe McCain's recent tactic of painting the media as a bunch of Obama-humping sycophants struck a nerve somewhere.